Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Teaching on Pinterest

I Love Pinterest!  There are thousands of great ideas floating out there.  In fact, there are so many ideas for teaching, I have actually gotten excited about the upcoming year, and that is saying a lot, since its summer vacation!

But every classroom picture I see makes me sigh.  Although each class is fantastic, I wonder where these classrooms are located (because I think I want to move there!).  Every room is HUGE - the size of three of mine.  The most student desks I have counted is 24. 24?  I'm at 32 students for the upcoming year in first grade.  Parents came into my classroom last year and said that it was so crowded - that the room was just all desks. I KNOW!!!  Go talk to the superintendent, because yes, quite frankly, 32 first graders in one class is ridiculous!

And where do all these teachers get the money to decorate and re-decorate their  classes every year?  I, too, have been guilty of spending $$$ on my classes every year, but decided 2 years ago that I would no longer spend money into the four-digits.  That was just crazy.

And the time invested - wow!  I have also been guilty, in my early years, of spending way too much time in the classroom.  These teachers put me to shame.  Super organized, beautifully decorated....can I hire them to do my class?

Am I the only one who thinks this? Anyone else out there thinks the same?

Well, that's enough for now.  If you are one of those Pinterest teachers, please tell me where you work - I just might have to put in an application!  But for now, I have to go and spend more time browsing the site for more ideas.  Ta-ta!

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